Coronavirus-FHA 680 FICO
Things are moving so quickly in the market with the coronavirus being at the forefront, everyone is feeling hardship across the board.
FHA Loans provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders throughout the United States and its territories. It is one of the largest insurers of mortgages in the world, insuring more than 46 million mortgages since its inception in 1934 and it's the only government agency that operates from its self-generated income.
Self-generated income which means the Mortgage insurance premiums that is collected from borrowers via lenders are used to operate the program.
FICO scores tells the lender what type of credit risk you are and what your interest rate should be to reflect that risk by utilizing a FICO formula.
The most commonalty used :
Equifax Beacon 5.0
Experian/Fair Isaac Risk Model v2
TransUnion FICO Risk Score 04
We’re seeing what’s “good” for rates can be bad for lenders, and what’s “good” for the market can be bad for home buyers. This tug of war has caused servicers to implement drastic measures to keep up; includes raising the minimum FICO. If you have questions or concerns please contact your lender right away.